Latest health researches
How to eat medicine:
How to eat medicine? Rather I eat with milk, juice or green tea. What should I do?
When you eat with juice, enzymes performance reduces and also reduces medicine effects.
Take medicine with milk, contain calcium, it is difficult to digest medicine.
Green tea contains vitamin K, its reduces medicine effect.
You always take medicine with water.
Vehicles smoke damage your brain:
American scientists discover that, if a person take breath in highway, then air pollution can damage his Brain. This pollution can bad for your memory. You may face forget disease.
Cars that produce smoke contains harmful particles which are very small, they enter through nose by breath and then goes into Brain by that your memory problems starts.
Two days diet in a week is enough:
If someone advice you to reduce your weight by monthly diet, so now that's not correct.
A new research made by British scientists that, take diet twice a week is good.
A group of 1500 persons divided into two parts. Scientists give 1500 calories per day for 7 days and other group also take 1500 calories per day for two days. The group which take 2 days diet reduce more weight than other group.
Grapes are helpful for recollection:
Research taken place in California, which tells, person who memory is not good they don't remember many things. Scientists suggest to take large amount of grapes in your normal diet.
Fig provides strong bones:
Fig reduces weight. Fig contains vitamins A and C in large amount and vitamin B and D in small amount. Moreover, it contains proteins, calcium and phosphorus that are vital for health.
More fig you eat, more strong bones you have.
Stomach problems over:
Research taken place in Japan that, persons who suffer from stomach problems who need to take honey mixed with cinnamon powder twice a week.
This is good for health and you don't face stomach problems ever.
Social media disturbs your mental equilibrium:
A research said, peoples who used social media a lot can suffer from many mental problems.
Researchers said, persons used social media in their cars by that their mental equilibrium disturbs a lot.
Carpets provide allergy:
<.> Today carpet trends rises in our society by that eruption and allergy problems rises because carpet contains small maggots and particles.
A research in Australia that, carpet contains small maggots.
You need to put carpet into sunshine for at least 4 hours. Moreover, maggots killed and carpet cleaned.
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